Your Health is
Our Priority
We Offer
Expert individualised Care

Meet Mr. Paritosh Sharma

I am a Consultant Vascular Surgeon. My NHS practice is based at Barts Health.I have had the honour and privilege of working at most of the prestigious London Vascular Centres. My techniques are an amalgamation of the most up to date cutting edge practices in Vascular Surgery. I have a large practice in managing unsightly veins with minimally invasive techniques such as laser ablation, radiofrequency ablation, sclerotherapy and also with open surgery

Areas of Expertise


People suffer from problems with their veins such as Varicose Veins. There can be several reasons why veins may become faulty. Treatment for the veins will depend on the underlying cause. By taking the time and having rapid access to diagnostics, Mr Sharma will devise treatment plans tailored to your needs.

Aortic Disease

Aneurysms (swelling) and dissections (tear in the wall of the artery) are common, life threatening conditions that can affect people in later life. Mr Sharma provides both minimal invasive (keyhole) and standard surgical treatments for these conditions. He will guide you through your treatment options at your consultation.


Some people can suffer with lifestyle limiting pain as a consequence of reduced blood supply to their legs. Simple procedures like stretching the artery open with balloons can provide relief. Mr Sharma performs these procedures and also open surgical bypass operations that can help you to lead a normal life

Excessive Perspiration

Patients who experience excessive sweating often find it a difficult condition to live with. It can affect self confidence. Simple, quick treatments such as botox injections can bring about instant relief.

Stroke Prevention

Stroke can be a disabling and life changing event. Mr Sharma is adept at performing carotid surgery to reduce your risk of another stroke in the future

Dialysis Access Surgery

Over 2 million people worldwide currently receive dialysis with more than 30,000 in the UK alone. Mr Sharma performs surgery to create access routes for dialysis.


Continuing Professional Development for Young Surgeons and Medical Healthcare Professionals

Varicose Veins

I believe in Efficient and Expert specialty healthcare for all

Mr Sharma was awarded an MD Thesis in 2015 for his research in effective and safe monitoring of patients after endovascular interventions. He has an active interest in the training and teaching of undergraduate post graduate doctors. 

You could also contact him for his professional guidance and for understanding of his work 

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